Kolter Homeowner Guide - page 54

Conducting a reversal test
The reverse mechanism on the garage door
causes it to go up — instead of continuing to
go down — when it comes into contact with
an obstruction. The reverse mechanism is an
important safety feature and should be tested
on a monthly basis.
The following steps outline how to test the
reversal mechanism:
1. Open the garage door. Set a 2 x 4 piece
of wood (or other piece of wood that’s 1.5
inches high and won’t be damaged due to
contact with the door) flat on the ground
at the center of the door opening.
2. Close the garage door using the remote
control or wall button.
3. Watch the door as it contacts the wood. It
should stop immediately and then move
upward. If it doesn’t, the garage door
needs adjustment.
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