Kolter Homeowner Guide - page 63

Installation of first-floor
storm panels
Install hex bolts
1. Begin with the shortest panels, unbolting
just the lowest strap. Use the floor plan
drawing as a guide to spread out the panels,
separating them by number.
2. Locate the hex bolts in the bag of hardware.
Install the hex bolt heads into the bottom
track of doors and windows.
3. Place the first hex bolt in the hole that’s 1.5
inches from the end of the track. Place bolts
in holes every 12 inches after that. The bolts
in the track align with the holes in the panels.
4. Check the floorplan for indications of a half-
panel. If one exists, then install a bolt at the
six-inch spot on the right side of the track
(from the outside looking inside).
Install panels from left to right (from the
outside looking inside)
1. It doesn’t matter which end of the panel is up
or down since both sides are the same.
2. Place the panel into the top track. The
keyholes should fit over the bolts and the
panel should fit tight against the bottom track.
3. Use a wing nut to tighten the left side.
4. Insert the second panel over the first panel’s
right bolt.
5. Over both panels, install a wing nut.
6. Overlap panels and fasten them with a
shared wing nut. Do this until the opening is
totally covered. Fasten the last panel with a
wing nut on the right side.
CAUTION: Storm panels are heavy, and
can tip and cause damage or injury.
Remove straps only as necessary to
access the next layer of panels.
Installation of second-floor window
storm panels
The difference between first-floor and
second-floor panels is the latter must be
installed from inside your home. Follow these
installation steps:
1. Check the floorplan to match panel and
window numbers. Place panels next to the
windows they will cover.
2. Every window will have a panel with handles.
Set these panels aside.
3. Begin at the first window. Open it and
remove the screen.
4. Place a panel into the header on the left side.
The panel goes over the bolts in the bottom
track. On the far left bolts, screw a wing nut.
5. Place a panel into the header on the right
side. The panel goes over the bolts in the
bottom track. On the far right bolts, screw a
wing nut.
6. Alternate between left and right panels until
just the middle panel remains. This is the
panel with a handle.
7. Screw the last two wing nuts onto the
already-installed panels.
8. Find the four one-inch Phillips head bolts and
four nuts in the bag of hardware.
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