The roof on your home protects it from the
elements, including hail, rain, snow, sun, wind
and extreme weather, which all take their toll
on the materials that comprise the roof.
It’s a good idea to inspect your roof twice a
year for damage, and anytime you have reason
to believe it could be damaged. An examination
in the spring is especially important, since it
allows you to find any damage that occurred
during the winter.
Care and maintenance
You can extend your roof’s useful life by
conducting regular, but simple, maintenance.
Inspecting the roof
Use a ladder and, unless necessary, avoid
stepping on the roof. If you must walk on the
roof, take care to avoid damaging the flashing or
the roof surface itself.
Check for the following on your roof and
remove, repair, or replace as necessary:
Shingles or tiles that are damaged, loose,
or missing.
Shingles that are blistered, buckled, or curled.
Supports for satellite dishes and TV antennas
that are damaged.
Shingle granules in the gutters. The granules
protect the shingles from the sun and add
weight but they may come lose and congregate
in the gutters.
Tree branches hanging over the roof. Branches may
scratch the shingles or could fall on your roof and
damage it. Leaves hold moisture so they can cause
rotting if they’re left sitting on the roof.
Roof vents that are clogged.
Flashing that’s damaged. Replace immediately.
Crack and leaks in valley areas of the roof.
Attic leaks on rainy days. Pinpoint the
leak’s source.
Seals at the corners and scuppers of a flat
roof that are damaged. Reseal them with tar
as necessary.
CAUTION: Take care when installing a
radio or TV antenna. If the job causes
leaks in your roof, which is a possibility if
done carelessly, the damages likely won’t
be covered under warranty.
SERVICE TIP: Call a roofer if you discover a
leak in your roof. Having the problem fixed
early — before the material has dried —
will result in a less costly job.
SERVICE TIP: Hire a roofer to inspect your
roof every three years.
Homeowners association
If your home is part of a homeowners
association, check with it regarding exterior
maintenance. You should be familiar with what
you can and cannot do and what maintenance
items the association is responsible.