Registers regulate your home’s airflow
and temperature.
At least one register connects to an air return
system, which returns air to the heating and
cooling unit. There, the air is cooled or heated
and sent back to registers in the home.
Care and maintenance
The following are tips for maintaining the
registers in your home.
Adjusting the registers
Adjusting registers allows for regulation of the
temperature in individual rooms. Close or open
registers and dampers to adjust how much cool
or warm air flows into a room.
Do not close registers fully. However, if one
room gets a lot of air, partially close the
register there to force more air into rooms
that get less air.
Closing registers
The system doesn’t sense when registers
are closed so it will continue operating at the
same level. The air from the room in which the
register or registers were closed will mix with
the air from the rest of the house.
HOME TIP: Fully closing registers will
neither increase comfort nor reduce
energy costs, as heating and cooling
systems are designed to heat and cool
a specific square footage.
Getting the most from the registers
Ensure registers have sufficient clearance
around them. Drapes and furniture in front of
the registers can prevent them from pushing
warm and cool air into the room. Like clogged
filters, blocked registers can cause operating
problems for the heating and cooling unit.
Do not block return intake registers. Stale air
must leave the room in order for fresh air to
come in.
Cleaning the registers
Registers get dirty since air laden with dust
goes through them. Remove dust and dirt by
using a vacuum.
SERVICE TIP: Consider hiring a
professional duct cleaner. The result is
cleaner, healthier air as well as a heating
and cooling system that works more
efficiently. A duct cleaner will clean the
entire system, including the furnace
filters, blower motor, ductwork, piping,
and registers.