Kolter Homeowner Guide - page 22

Condensation drain line
See Condensation Drain Line, page 18.
Change or clean the air filter monthly to ensure
maximum efficiency. A clogged filter can cause
a malfunction in the heating and cooling unit.
Check the system manufacturer’s instruction
manual for the filter location, and how to
change or clean it. Turn off the unit before
attempting to change or clean the filter.
Use only the size and type of filter the
manufacturer specifies.
Units located in the attic
Open the return grill to access the filter. The
grill is just below the attic in the ceiling. Some
units also have a fresh-air intake. If yours
does, change the fresh-air filter, too.
It’s in the return grill.
Your home is insulated properly for the climate
in which it’s located. If your home’s heating
or cooling is inadequate, it may not be due to
inadequate insulation. More likely culprits are
open doors and windows, clogged filters, register
misuse, or inadequate window coverings.
Cooling coils
Check for a dirty filter if your air conditioner
freezes up. If the filter is clean, turn off the air
conditioner and wait for the ice to melt. Call a
technician if the freezing continues.
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